Monthly Archives: March 2024

There Is Fluid Leaking From My Car - 5 Possible Reasons

There Is Fluid Leaking From My Car - 5 Possible Reasons

We must always pay attention to any signs of trouble in our vehicles. One common issue that can cause concern is fluid leaking. Not only can leaks indicate a problem with your car, but they can be a tremendous safety hazard. Water is usually not a concern, often originating from air conditioning condensation.  Here are five possible reasons why your car leaks fluid and what you should do about it:   Engine Oil Leak Engine oil is essential for lubricating various components of your car's engine to ensure smooth operation. It could indicate an engine oil leak if yu notice dark brown or black fluid pooling under the front of your vehicle. Engine oil will be greasy at the touch and will have a gasoline smell. Possible reasons: Damaged or worn-out gasket. A damaged oil filter. Damaged or worn-out sensor housing. Loose or damaged oil drain plugs. Igno ... read more